Since he was in a Hotel Business, he initially thought of a different meaning of HRM other that the Human resource. On the interview, he told me that it is relevant to be able to hire a qualified applicant since they are one of the asset of the business. In the workplace, the employees must be honed, trained and guided to thier own profession. Taking care of the employees is a must in a business since they are only hiring less people in the business. He said that there are only a few people working in Pearl Farm. Even if they lack the manpower, he said that they give importance to their workers. He also said that he is satisfied on the way their Human Resource Management works.
Based on the answers of Mr. Daryl Bismanos, I agree on what he said about taking care of their employees. Benefits where given and there are even incentives when the Resort has a lot of people coming in. They give importance to the people working there and that is an important factor for the business to have no problems on their workforce.
If I were to take a position on whether to choose between outsourcing and in-sourcing the information system of the school, I would rather choose in-house or in-sourcing.
Outsourcing maybe advantageous in some areas, but surrendering or giving the total control on the Information System of our school to other third party company can affect the security and the integrity of the IS involved. And why do we need to outsource our own Information systems when we have competent and skillful workers that can manage the said system? Also, when problem arises, it can be easily managed and controlled.
But it doesn't mean that we are only limited on in-sourcing alone. We can also make use of both options to improve the quality of our Information System as well as its success. By using both outsourcing and in-sourcing, our school can gain the advantages of both options.
2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me
14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
He's just too stubborn to admit it
Just because ONE is RUDE doesn't mean he represents ALL of them
21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
"The experience gathered from the books, though often valuable, is but the nature of learning whereas the experience gained from the actual life is of the nature of wisdom."
"My wallet? Where is it?" were my first words when I found out my wallet was missing. I searched my memory for a few good seconds, then realized that I had left my precious wallet at the library. Not only did I leave it at the library, but I had left it in the library's public bathroom! I distinctly remembered seeing it on the shelf as I went to the bathroom.
Because the library was now closed, I had to wait until the next morning to begin my search. When I got there the next day, all I found was a sparkling clean restroom, its counters clean and its floors shiny white. This was the first time I could remember ever hating to see a clean bathroom. As I walked out, I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head at the forgetful fool in front of me.
Now all I could hope for was that the person who cleaned the bathroom had already found my wallet. So I politely approached an old lady reading her book at the front desk. I asked her if a wallet had been found in the bathroom yesterday. She didn't answer me until she found a good place to pull herself away from her book. Then she peered at me from behind her thick black glasses parked on her nose. Letting out a quite sigh, she slowly struggled out of her comfortable sitting position. She walked through a door and vanished for a moment. Then she came back to the desk.
That was that. I quickly thanked her and walked off.
I wondered wht I would do if I had found a wallet containing sixty dollars, a phone card and many other irreplaceable personal items. Finally, I painfully accepted the fact that my wallet was gone.
A week later, after I had canceled my bank card and reported my license missing, I recieved a mysterious packagein the mail. Sure enough, it was my wallet! And most amazingly, nothing was missing! But something was different about it. There was a little yellow sheet of paper folded up in one of the wallet pockets that had not been there before. I slowly unfolded the paper. I nto my hand fell a little copper medallion of Christ. The letter read something like this:
Always keep this medallion with you, no matter what your religion is, so that an angel that was watching over you last week will always be close.
This person didn't even leave a return address, so I couldn't thank whoever it was. I felt that this was an act of pure kindness that was extremely rare.
From that day on, I promised myself that whenever I am in a situation where I can help others the way that this person helped me, I will follow this example and make them as happy as I was when I opened that package!
Our group was kinda hesitant to inquire on Callbox since we are not complete that time and since we are a bit panicky that time, we decided to give it a shot. We even brought 1 of our female friend to be our speaker since the available members around in our group was, let's say "the shy type". When we arrived in the Landco bldg( that is where Callbox, Inc. is located, btw), we directly went up to the 9th floor of the building. When we went inside of their office, there was no one in the front desk. And we only saw a person that was applying on their company. So we waited for a few minutes and then there was this young attractive woman (hehe) that asked us what we were doing there and asked if she could be of help. She has this british accent when she is speaking english, and man, she's good! hehe. Anyway, our female friend stepped up and asked the girl (her name btw, is "glotchy" i think... dunno the spelling) if we can conduct a study on their company. She then asked us what school we are from blah, blah, blah... And did I mention she's superb in english? hehe... well, after a few chitchat, she gave the name of their HR department supervisor and she didn't gave us an assurance that we will be accepted on their company. We thanked her and headed outside.
A few days had passed, and we tried other companies just in case we are not gonna be accepted on Callbox. But all in all, we were unsuccesful on our endeavor on the other companies. We then set our hopes on Callbox. Days passed and we went back to their company. Glotchy were there and we were told to wait for a minute. Right after, she instructed us to go to the HR office where the supervisor is waiting. We were a bit nervous then at that time since we are still not sure if we will be accepted. The supervisor was not the type we were expecting( hehe). She was young, maybe in her mid twenties then and she speaks english proficiently (well, what do you expect? hehe). She is also good looking and friendly(hehehe). After an introduction why we are there and few questions asked by her, she allowed us to have an interview with her. To make it short, we arrived on the time she asked us to come and had our interview with her. Questions were asked and answered and before we knew it, we already asked the necessary questions for our report. We had a pictorial session (haha). It was funny since we didn't knew that time that it was sequential shot. Most definitely our company visit is not just going to end there, especially we are nearing the end of our semester and we will be proposing a HRIS (human resource info system).
For those who have seen the 2nd movie of the Death Note Series, L died 23 days after Yagami Light was defeated. In this movie, we will be seeing what L did during his last 23 days. This movie is different from the other two movies since it wont be dealing much with the Death Note. And also, Near, the successor of L, had his first appearance on this movie. The movie showed how Near got his name and how he ended up in the Wammy House. It also showed how Near and L got acquainted. I wont be spilling much about the movie, better see it for yourself. But for me, this movie is great. ^^,
48) Deletion - The balat of DELETION is crispy and delicious!
49) About - It is bigger than a ship! (A boat)
50) Conclusion - Buksan mo ang pinto CONCLUSION
51) Opinion - Opposite ng CONCLUSION. Pag di naka sara ang pinto, OPINION
52) Schooling - Hello Who's SCHOOLING?
53) Hostess - *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* Hello Hostess?
54) Cheeks - After 5 and before 7. Five, CHEEKS, Seven, Eight
55) Kulong - pabango. Ang bango mo ah! What's your kulong?
55) Lion - Wala Yun
56) Affect - If the cd is pirated, it is AFFECT copy.
57) Suspicious - So Spacious
58) Adieu - If you live in Israel, you are ADIEU
01) Contemplate - kulang ang mga pinggan
02) Punctuation - pera para maka-enrol
03) Ice Buko - nagtatanong kung ayos na ang buhok
04) Tenacious - sapatos na pang tennis
05) Calculator - tawagan kita mamaya
06) Devastation - sakayan ng bus
07) Protestant - Tindahan ng prutas
08) Statue - Ikaw ba yan?
09) Tissue - Ikaw nga!
10) Predicate - Pakawalan mo ang pusa
11) Dedicate - Pinatay ang pusa
12) Aspect - Pantusok o pandurog ng yelo
13) Deduct - Ang pato
14) Defeat - Ang paa (ng pato?)
15) Detail - Ang buntot (ng pato?)
16) Deposit - Gripo (Call DIPLOMA if DEPOSIT is leaking)
17) City - Bago mag-utso; A number to follow 6
18) Cattle - Doon nakatila ang Hali at Leyna
19) Persuading - Unang Kasal
20) Depress - Ang nagkasal sa PERSUADING
21) Defense - Ginamit ng mga pangsulat sa kontrata sa PERSUADING
22) It Depends - Kainin mo ang bakod
23) Shampoo - Bago mag-labing-isha (11)
24) Delusion - Maluwang (kapag maluwang ang damit, eh DELUSION)
25) Delivery - Walang bayad. Kapag working lunch, eh DELIVERY na ang tanghalian
26) Profit - Patunayan mo
27) Balance Sheet - What comes out after eating a balance diet
28) Backlog - bacon saka egg
29) Beehive - magpakatino ka
30) CD-ROM - tingnan mo ang kwarto
31) Debug - ang ipis
32) Defrag - ang palaka
33) Defense - ang bakod
34) Defer - ang balahibo
35) Deflate - ang plato
36) Detest - ang eksamin
37) Devalue - 'yon ang susunod sa letrang V
38) Devote - ang boto
39) Dilemma - brownout!, a!
40) Effort - 'dun nagla-land ang efflane
41) Forums - apat na kwarto
42) July - nagsinungaling ka ba?
43) Liturgy - what comes after litur F
44) Thesis - ito ay..
45) Repel-ginagawa sa printer at bolpen kung wala na itong ink
46) Torpedo - takot manligaw
47) Zoology- ang science ng pagtatahi
On the 28th of July this year, our dear Madam President gave her SONA(State of the Nation Address). On this SONA, she stressed the growth of our economy in the past 2007. But then again, she also stressed the crisis that the country is facing in the present. The crisis that our country is facing today is inevitable. Other countries are also experiencing what we are having right now. But on her SONA, she stated some ways of at least alleviating the standard of living of the Filipinos, especially those who are hit hard by these crises.
On the field of ICT, these are a few things that I found that is somewhat connected to ICT. first is the lessening of the text messaging charge from 1 peso to 50 cents. Though it is an improvement, lets face it, most cellphone users are using the promotional given by telecommunication companies. Though some prepaid users can benefit from it, the only people that can really benefit from this are those using postpaid accounts, in which only those privileged enough to have it. And based on what I have heard on the news, this is just temporary. What we really need is for long term relief.
She also mentioned about the 350 million training partnership with the private sectors which will give one million workers that will hopefully generate $13 billion dollars by 2010. Imagine that! Now that is one good news. Not only will it help in alleviating the problem of underemployment, it is also giving us the encouragement to strive hard so that someday we will be part of that workforce needed.
Though there are people who tried and still trying to bring her down, she is immovable. And I admire her for that. People nowadays are blaming her for the problems that they are having right now. She doesn't have control to everything, you know. We must do what we can for this country, even if it is just a small portion. Change must begin in us. ^^,
Human beings, as they say, is the highest form of life. And that is true, based on my opinion as well as what i have read about man. True, for we are able to reason and do things greater than the rest of all living things.
Because of this, man had become the most important driving force in the success of an organization. Basically, human beings are the ones who are managing the organization in the first place. They can make or break an organization. They render almost every services needed in order for an organization to be competent. Without man, there will be no organization or a company at all.
But also because of this, man has become the least understood and the worst managed resource in an organization. Why? for man is and always be taken for granted. In addition to that, there are inequalities in the position in an organization. Some may be higher than the others, while some are on the bottom part.Not only that, the rights and benefits of a man in an organization may not be given properly.
Human Beings should always be given a priority in an organization for they are the best resource in an organization.
Some of the Information System's Best Practices:
Educating the End Users
- The success of the implementation of an application depends on the knowledge of the users on the said application. Training on a continuing basis greatly helps in improving the capabilities of users in using the system.
Data Access Security
- grants or restricts the user of accessing a specific application depending on his/her role or job.
Network Security
- The administration of an application security is utilized to grant/ restrict data access within the application.
Data Integrity
- Must ensure accurate and complete data.
Program Change Control
- This practice see to it that only appropriate and important changes are made in the program logic. This change should produce the expected results by the users that want the change.
System Interfaces
- Based on my source, the exchange of data from one business application to another is considered an interface. Therefore, the reliability, accuracy and the completeness of the data being transferred or received should be assured by a quality control process.
Backups, Recovery plans and Business Continuity
- There will always be unforeseen circumstances that will ultimately affect an application or a system. Creating Recovery Plans will help cope with the unavailability of the system during the outage. This plan should be written and approved by the management and also checked on a regular basis. The plan must show how the system will recover and how the operations will continue during the recovery.
I had a hard time looking for the appropriate reference for this topic. But fortunately, I found a reliable source that I hope will answer the question: What are the barriers in IS/IT?
These are the said barriers that I had found when I was searching:
- Lack of Commitment and Incentives
- Educational barrier
- Limits on organizational intelligence
- Organizational design
- Unclear or conflicting purposes
- Lack of Procedure
Basically, the solution for all this barriers is just adequate literacy and proper communication. ^^,
Risks in changing the IS of an organization reflects the events that can affect the flow of business.
Based on what I have read and understood, these are some of the risks associated with changing the IS/IT:
Inconsistency of data
- Variations in the way data is collected may affect the consistency of the information being gathered and thus, affects the operations in an organization.
Incomplete system
- unfinished or incomplete systems can greatly hinder the progress of an organization.
Irrelevance of information
- Information that is inappropriate, unnecessary, or too detailed for effective decision making has
no value.
In addition to that, poorly programmed or systems lacking in proper security can be easily manipulated and it may disrupt the flow of work that will lead to incorrect decisions or impaired planning.
Having new or changing the information system can be a tasking job. But then, if used properly and accordingly, the organization can benefit from it. The success of implementing new or changing the system depends on the accuracy of the technical deployment and also the people's acceptance of the change. As always, proper education and communication are the keys in helping the implementation of the change in the information system in an organization.

based on what i have read, Information Systems fails in ways more than one. There are a lot of factors affecting the failure of a System. There are a lot of factors involving the failure of a system. But based on what I have read, there are five major concepts of failure. These are:
- Incomplete or the requirements are not given
- Failure to meet the deadline
- Cost
- Unused Systems
- Customers are not satisfied of what they get
On those said failures, the cost and the unsatisfied customers can be connected. Some IS can be relatively cheap compared to most but there may be a flaw or two that can be seen. Due to this flaws, the users may find it annoying and will resort to dumping the said IS and find a new IS, which means that the discarded system will be lost. If the requirements is not met in a said IS, then that will be considered a failure for its use is limited and there is certainly flaws that will arise.
Human Resource Management is included in the BSIT curriculum for it is essential when they will be having a job. HRM(Human Resource Management) is essential for it helps in dealing with people in a certain workplace. No matter what job we do or where we are, we are most certainly dealing with people no matter what.
Through this said subject, we can mingle effectively and understand more about the people that we will be dealing with in the near future. And if that will happen, then there will be a harmonious relationship between us and the people that we will be working in the near future (hopefully when we graduate). ^^
Using OSS in institutions especially in schools where the budget is limited and the resources are also limited can be of big help. There is nothing to lose when using OSS. The freedom of using it without the worries of user-license agreement and that large amount of money needed to pay proprietary softwares. The best thing is, along with its cost, the liberty of how it is used and the way it is shared makes OSS the best alternative in using softwares in school.
Using OSS or implementing it in our school, can be of help. Discussing the potential of using OSS to the professors, technicians, and to the school administration is one way. Enlightening them as well as the students about OSS through seminars, discussions will help in its implementation.
OSS (Open Source Software) In Schools
Implementing OSS in schools
Downsizing, which is also known as layoff, is defined by wikipedia as either the temporary removal or suspension or the permanent termination of an employee in a certain job.
This is done mostly for cost-cutting reasons.
One company that recently downsized its workers was Motorola Inc. The company downsized 2,600 workers across the company in the world which resulted in a $104 million pretax charge in the first quarter.
The reason for this downsize was that this was a part of a plan to cut cost by $500 million this year. The higher ups in the company disclosed the cost reducing-program at the start of 2008 and and they announced that it could mean job losses. Motorola's head count totaled 66,000 at the end of 2007, which is according to the annual report filed on February. The company reported its second-quarter earnings on April 24, 2008 and expecting a further decline in its sales and global market for its cell phone unit. The company previously announced that it was planning to split its handset division into an independent, publicly traded company.
The majority of the 2600 workers came from Asia, most notably from Singapore, where the company is planning to halt the cell phone manufacturing by the end of this year. It was stated in their 2007 annual report that Singapore, China and Brazil, are the company's largest cell phone manufacturing facilities, and most of their hand set products are made in Asia.
Since becoming the chief executive on January this year, Greg Brown, he restructured marketing operations with its chief marketing officer leaving the company. Also on February this year, he took control of the cell phone unit and hired new heads of office of finance and human resources.
Chicago Tribune
Motorola April 2008 Financial Report
Network Designers
- Determine user requirements and design specifications for computer networks. Plan and implement network upgrades.
Web Developers
- Creates or designs web based applications and also responsible for creating websites. They also maintain and see to it that the site or the web application is up and running.
Computer Systems Engineers/Architects
- These are the people responsible for developing solutions for applications problems, system issues and other network concern.
Database Administrators
- Creates and implements databases. Applies knowledge about database management systems. Updates, tests the database for functionality and modifies existing databases.
Operations Research Analysts
-Formulate and apply mathematical modeling and other optimizing methods using a computer to develop and interpret information that assists management with decision making, policy formulation, or other managerial functions. May develop related software, service, or products. Frequently concentrates on collecting and analyzing data and developing decision support software. May develop and supply optimal time, cost, or logistics networks for program evaluation, review, or implementation.
- As of now, this is one of the in demand jobs right now.
- The job that I really want here is the Web Developer. I can be a freelancer or can work in a company. Additionally, it is not necessary to have a degree course to have this job.
But one thing we can't deny is that the fact is, though most of us may not be aware of it, can also be one cause of
environmental degradation and it uses large amounts of energy.
For me, implementing green campus computing in USEP can be a big help not only in our environment but also the
power usage in our school.
This are some of the things that our school must implement to conserve our environment and also lessen the energy consumption:
- Turn off the computers if not in use. Although idling the computer saves energy consumption, it still uses a percentage of the power consumption.
- Buy environment friendly computers and other energy star products. These helps in energy use.
- Enable power management especially monitors.
- Disposing computer parts, electrical devices and batteries safely.
- Recycle materials that can still be used like papers that has been used only on side.
- Not only for computers, other devices like electric fans, televisions and other electrical devices should be turned off when not in use.
Target Job:
- Web Designer/Developer
Job Description:
- Designs and manages a website. Also creates web-based applications and programs.
Skills Needed:
- Must be knowledgeable of programming languages like php, java, javascript, ajax technology, c++, etc...
- Knowledge in mySQL, Foxpro, and other database softwares is a must.
- Can create templates and able to create a CSS-based design is a plus.
- Creativity, Patience, and Flexibility is also needed.
- Knowledgeable in Image Manipulation Softwares Like Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Flash, GIMP, ImageReady, Corel Draw, etc...
Hello everyone!
Im Jalil O. Paniamba-an, 4th year BSIT student.
My expectation for this subject is that it will be giving us a pretty hard time but at the same time it
will give us a better understanding of what this subject is all about and hopefully be able to apply all the knowledge gained in the outside world.
Hello! I'm Jalil O. Paniamba-an, a 4th year BSIT student.
My expectation in this class is that hopefully, none of us will fail.
I'm looking forward to our meetings(since it won't take much of our time... ) and finding a suitable company. Although it will not be easy, I expect that we can pretty much cope up with the subject.